We give to make disciples.
Ways to Give
Give Online*
Create an account in less than 90 seconds to make a one-time gift or set up a recurring gift via credit card or bank account. Have an existing account already, login here.
Text to Give*
Text GIVEFBC to 888.364.4483. Set up a recurring gift or make a one-time gift.
Give by Check
Please use the following address for mailed checks:
First Baptist Church
2790 Pulaski Hwy.
Columbia, TN 38401
(NOTE: Checks only, no cash.)
First Baptist Church
2790 Pulaski Hwy.
Columbia, TN 38401
(NOTE: Checks only, no cash.)
Give in Person
Checks and cash can be placed in one of our OFFERING boxes located in the hall around our Worship Center.
*ONLINE and TEXT gifts will incur a processing fee. Please select the "Cover processing fee" option in order for FBC to receive your full gift amount (recurring gifts will need reset to use this option). Gifts linked to bank account are charged lower processing fees.
In accordance with IRS guidelines and the financial policies of First Baptist Church, the Budget & Finance Ministry Team retains the final discretion, direction, and control of all designated and undesignated funds. Designated gifts will only be accepted for pre-established designated funds. A charitable contribution is a gift, and a gift is a transfer of all a donor's "dominion and control" over the donated property.