WOMENs Ministry

Hope and Laughter For The Hard Days

Don't miss our next women's ministry event on Saturday, January 25 from 10:00-1:00 in Faith Hall. We'll have food and fellowship, and we'll hear from Christian humorist Lisa Smart.

Sunday Small Groups

We offer three small groups on Sunday mornings during the 9:30 am service hour on campus. No registration needed.
  • Young Adult Ladies (20's), Room 129
  • Ladies (any age), Room 184
  • Ladies (70-80's), Room 103
  • Hispanic Ladies (any age), Room 188/189
  • Titus 2 Table Every 4th Sunday (18 and up; anyone not already in a Titus 2 Table), Room 182

Connect With Us

Stay connected with our community through our Facebook Group. Click Here to Join

Titus 2 Tables

Titus 2 Tables are groups of six to nine women of different ages who meet once a month around a table and do LIFE together.

L-Learning together through Bible and book studies. I-Interceding together through prayer and being present.
F-Fellowshipping together with meals and mission projects.  
E-Engaging together in the church and our community with intentional focus on sharing God's goodness and love for His glory and advancement of His kingdom.
If you are interested in joining one of these groups, please click the signup link below.

Connect With Us

Deron Henry

Discipleship Pastor
Email - deron@thefirstfamily.org

Larry Wright

Director, Senior Adult Ministry

Melissa Treloar

Ministry Assistant, Discipleship
and Senior Adults
Email - melissa@thefirstfamily.org