
Due to continued travel restrictions, we have not been able to schedule mission trips yet for 2021 with our mission partners.

We will let you know when trips are scheduled.

Columbia First

Our mission of making disciples for the glory of God begins with Columbia first.

From Marshall County to Hampshire, and everywhere in between, we enjoy a great relationship with our local schools and we continue to seek as many opportunities as possible to serve them! We speak at chapels and at FCA gatherings and  attempt to meet the physical needs of our schools whenever possible.

We form and strengthen Gospel relationships, share the life-changing love of Jesus Christ with students and staff! For more information or to learn how to get involved, contact Pastor Deron Henry.

We explore opportunities and methods of ministering through our local laundromats that will provide a safe atmosphere to communicate our love for this city. We have provide laundromat gift cards to many who could benefit from this support. If you would like to join our Laundromat Ministry group to receive updates, please contact Pastor Rick Blevins.


Local Ministry Partners

We provide monthly support to these local ministries. They are always looking for volunteers, so reach out to them directly to learn how to help.

Church Planting Partners

We have partnerships with the following church planters (pastors who are beginning new churches). Pray for our partnerships as we work together to expand God's Kingdom.
  • Kirk Kirkland, Revive City Church, Cincinnati, Ohio
  • Dave Ainsworth, Citizens Church, San Francisco
  • Kevin Wilhite, ProWales, Provides resources for churches in Wales
  • Blaine McFarlin, Southern Baptist of Belize

International Mission Board Partner

Jonathan and Kelly*, International Mission Board missionaries, have been connected to our church for many years. We support their mission through our gifts to the Cooperative Program. Pray for their family as they serve East Asian people groups located in Europe.

*We are unable to share their last name due to security concerns.

Encourage our Church Planting Partners

Write an encouragement or share a prayer, and we'll connect you via email.